Culture Fix CLE

A project of the Cleveland Israel Arts Connection, 2022 

Healing Our Community Through the Arts
Inspired by Dede and Nitzan Mintz’s Culture Fix street installations in Tel Aviv that emerged during the isolation periods of the pandemic, the Cleveland Israel Arts Connection brought the artists and project to Cleveland to coincide with Front International’s 2022 triennial, Oh, Gods of Dusts and Rainbows. Teams of volunteers, featured artists and creators, and inspired fans assisted in this large scale effort to photograph, digitally enhance and print, paste around town, and photograph again 17 Cleveland creators influencing the local scene and beyond. The mission of Culture Fix CLE was accomplished on a grand scale, to inspire through healing. A project of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.

Culture Fix Cle, Healing Our Community through the Arts, Film by Susan Wasserman, 2023

Link to Federation website
Link to Dede website
Cleveland Scene article

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