Everything is a Beginning

2021 - Ongoing

A Continuous Play
Everything is a Beginning celebrates the universal sameness of life’s joys, rituals, and struggles that have cycled and recycled through the Negev desert on a continuum of time. It is written in English and translated into Hebrew and Arabic, the languages of many people inhabiting this singular place in the passing moment of now.

A brother and sister sit atop a rocky outcropping overlooking the modern Negev Desert. They peer through the history of time to the ancient ocean that has left shark’s teeth in the sand to the dry and dusty remains of civilizations that have come and gone from this once wet place. Is dancing and fighting a choice, they wonder, as they dance and cower under rocket fire. Are they destined to repeat the cycles of the past in the present day?

Even after surviving a biblical flood in the ancient ocean, saving a real dancing camel and prehistoric fish from the sea, it is yet to be seen if a brother and sister can live with loss and still keep the love between them alive. 

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