Immersive Performance, 2023

This project is born from a spark between friends. A little ditty written after a trip to the desert became a tribute to friendship and way of being in life. WAKING UP invites participants to be truly present in the moment, alive and alert, inspired and grateful. This piece is available for adaptation in new places. Originally experienced in Zucker Hall, National Theater Tel Aviv with producer and composer Roya, 27 collaborators, and 100 participants.

WAKING UP is a dreamy immersive performance bringing people from the present moment through a night walk in the desert, to lay and gaze in wonder, and wake up alive and anew together. The experience awakens the senses through sound, light, music, and movement. The music of Roya, from producer Ori Avni, is performed live, framing the arc of the story. Musicians and singers are stationed throughout the open theater, encircled by dancers leading the participants through the gentle night into day. 

Trust with the participants begins with the invitation received weeks in advance and facilitated in careful steps throughout the immersive experience bringing a sense of safety and belonging. Wholeness crescendos from individual creative contributions and collaboration, including those of the first-time participants. 

WAKING UP website

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